Major shareholders and share capital
The subscribed and paid-up share capital of The Lifestyle Group IN LIQUIDAZIONE amounts of €2,064,812.63, and it is composed of common shares without nominal value, divided as follows:
Distribution of information
Per la trasmissione e lo stoccaggio delle Informazioni Regolamentate, la Società si avvale del sistema di diffusione eMarket SDIR e del meccanismo di stoccaggio eMarket STORAGE disponibile all’indirizzo www.emarketstorage.com gestiti da Spafid Connect S.p.A., con sede in Foro Buonaparte 10, Milano.
Obblighi informativi degli Azionisti Significativi
Pursuant to the EGM Issuers' Regulation, The Lifestyle Group S.p.A. (formerly WM Capital S.p.A.) (the "Company") must promptly notify and make available to the public any Substantial Change communicated by the Significant Shareholders regarding the ownership structure. Pursuant to the EGM Issuers' Regulation, anyone who holds at least 5% of a category of financial instruments of The Lifestyle Group S.p.A. (formerly WM Capital S.p.A.) is a "Significant Shareholder".
Reaching or exceeding the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 66.6%, 75%, 90% and 95 % within the meaning of the Discipline on Transparency constitutes a "Substantial Change". The "Discipline on Transparency" is represented by the legislation on transparency and disclosure published in the Consolidated Law on Finance and in the Consob Regulations, as updated.
In order to allow the Company to comply with the disclosure obligations to which it is subject pursuant to the EGM Issuers Regulation, each Significant Shareholder must notify the Company, within 4 EGM trading days, starting from the completion of the transaction or from the occurrence of the event that resulted in the Substantial Change, the following information:
the identity of the Significant Shareholders involved;
the date on which The Lifestyle Group S.p.A. (formerly WM Capital S.p.A.) was informed;
the date on which the Substantial Change of equity investments took place;
the price, amount and category of financial instruments The Lifestyle Group S.p.A. (formerly WM Capital S.p.A.) involved;
the nature of the transaction;
the nature and extent of the participation of the Significant Shareholder in the transaction.
The communication of the Substantial Change must be made by the Significant Shareholder by means of written communication to be sent to the Board of Directors of the Company, sent in advance by email to investor@tlsg.it and subsequently sent by registered letter with return receipt at the registered office of the Company or by communicating to the following certified e-mail address tlsg@legalmail.it.
In any case, shareholders are recommended to check with their consultants the case by case applicability of the aforementioned obligations.